Will Hand Sanitiser Harm My Ring

Keeping You and Your Ring Safe

We use hand sanitiser repeatedly these days. It’s one way to keep ourselves safe. So will repeated use of hand sanitiser harm your ring?

Yes, if it comes in contact with your ring. Hand sanitisers commonly contain alcohol. This can break down the brilliance of gemstones and fine metal over time.

Your rock may lose its shine, which may or may not come back with cleaning. Softer gemstones like emeralds and opals are at greater risk. As are pearls which may lose lustre and change colour.

As someone who loves jewellery, I would like you to enjoy your jewellery at their best for a long, long time. So it’s important that you are aware of this.

Other than hand sanitisers, rings and other fine jewellery should not come into contact with perfumes (which also contain alcohol), chlorine, bleach and harsh cleaning agents.

Obviously, you must carry on cleaning your hands as a safeguard against COVID-19. Your health is more important than any piece of jewellery.

So what do you do?

Remove your ring before applying hand sanitiser. Wait for the sanitiser to dry completely before putting your ring back on. This way, both you and your rings are safe. Or keep it simple: don’t wear your rings. For now.